CRM Automation

Blog tagged as CRM Automation

CRM for travel agencies: Not just a solution, but an actual need...

One of the questions that my clients ask me the most is: Why would I need a CRM? I already have a system that works and I manage it quite well. It's hard to get rid of a bad system that "works" and you've been using it for a long time, with the promise of a new one. Even the most difficul...

19.04.22 09:10 PM - Comment(s)
CRM 4 insurers and Zoho as a great option

There’s a lot of competition in the insurance industry, as well as in most of the sale businesses services. In this same field, banks have joined the race in addition to the current insurance comparison platforms that expose which ones are winning the competition or decreasing the options for those...

06.04.22 05:00 PM - Comment(s)
Magaya integration via Zoho CRM extension

The Zeus 4 team is pleased to announce the release of an extension that integrates part of Magaya's supply and transportation management system with the CRM of Zoho web platform. This extension is connected to two systems that are at the top of their respective industries.

Nowadays, business inte...

13.01.22 10:17 PM - Comment(s)