Social Media

Blog tagged as Social Media

CRM for travel agencies: No solo una solución, sino una necesidad real

Una de las preguntas que más me hacen mis clientes es: “¿Por qué voy a necesitar un CRM? Ya tengo un sistema que funciona y lo manejo bastante bien”. Es difícil deshacerse de un sistema malo que ''funciona'' y que has estado usando durante mucho tiempo, con la promesa de uno nuevo. Incluso el sistem...

29.05.22 09:20 PM - Comment(s)
CRM for travel agencies: Not just a solution, but an actual need...

One of the questions that my clients ask me the most is: Why would I need a CRM? I already have a system that works and I manage it quite well. It's hard to get rid of a bad system that "works" and you've been using it for a long time, with the promise of a new one. Even the most difficul...

19.04.22 09:10 PM - Comment(s)
Important aspects to be a community manager

A community manager is, in essence, the specialist in charge of developing the right strategy for a business toward its target audience on the internet to create, at first, brand presence. We attract more audience through different tactics and digital strategies, stay updated on trends that respond...

08.12.21 04:24 PM - Comment(s)
Baby Memories By Yeoli Imaging. The challenge of overcoming obstacles.

Baby Memories by Yeoli Imaging is a primarily mobile 2D/3D/4D/5D/HD Live ultrasound business operating in Miami.The client, Yeinet Olivera, runs a business focused on providing the most satisfying experience for pregnant women, either in the comfort of their homes or at the Baby Memories facilities...

28.10.21 06:08 PM - Comment(s)
Zoho Social, the management of social networks integrated into Zoho CRM.

Nowadays, the use of social networks has gained endless followers, and it has become a way to reach more people, and a source of generating leads or potential customers for any business.

In this sense, Zoho offers the Zoho Social tool that allows to record the opinions generated by the audience in...

03.09.21 01:58 PM - Comment(s)